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Why I Sometime’s Away for a Bit ?

When I first started this Blog in my Fizzly’s name, I had no idea how this process would turn out, or indeed even work ?  What I have found the most amazing is that,  through this Story Telling, I would find people who would be prepared, to read and comment about My Fizzly Post’s.  This has made me have a new purpose and a wanting to reach out to more people, and gain more friends and learn lots more,  about some truly amazing dogs. 

                        I found the Site Tripawds and this is an incredible place,  as I have already spoken about it, in my previous post about  ” My  Blogging  Experience ….. So  Far !! ”  So I will not go into how this Site has made this Blogging Idea, really opened up and turned,  into something wonderful.  It is so much more than that,  those people who know me well,  will actually know something about me that I don’t like to dwell on, or normally even mention.

                    But I feel that for this Blog it will hopefully explain why, this Blogging Experience has had such, a profound effect on my life in General.  Those people who know me will already know,  how much this Blogging has affected me, and it has given me a new lease on life. The fact is that I have been ill  for many years, and I  have a variety of illnesses as I seem to collect them, like most people collect ornaments !! 

   But in short as I could continue on for pages 🙂  

         I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia these were brought on, because when I worked as a Microbiologist in a Hospital. The Machine that we used to test for Tuberculosis was faulty, and it led to me becoming infected with Tuberculosis of the Liver ( Impressive I know !! )    This TB of the Liver led to Adhesions inside my entire Stomach etc area’s,  so Basically My Entire body from Waist to Neck,  is like Sellotape sticking to Sellotape !!  


Lovely I know and also Bloody Painful !!   So A  Lot of  Pain Killers Later !!

        Now I manage to hide this fact quite well from People,  who I meet in my General Day to Day Life, but those who know me, will often come in and Just Look at me ………….. and then say nothing !!  So I normally guess that I must be looking Absolutely Stunning 🙂 or just Bloody Awful !!!  

         They are also totally surprised that I started this Blogging Lark,  as I’m normally in Bed by 4pm, ( Such a Party Animal !! )  and I also never answer my phone, and I’m normally always in my home !!  So the fact that I’m talking to people at all ! 

It’s amazing !! ……  and I must admit I’m having a Ball !!

Just Like My Fizzle’s !

Now I didn’t tell you this because of the ” Woe  is  Me !! ”  Because I hope you who have read a few, of my Slightly Manic Pages will hopefully realise,  that I am definitely not a Woe  is  Me  Girl !!  I’m just like my Fizzle’s,  I don’t let small things like hurting,  effect the truest aspect of life which is ………….

  LIVE  and  LOVE  LIFE  and  ENJOY !!

           What I wanted to explain is WHY I’m sometimes away  for a Few Day’s, and why this Blogging has effected me so much  🙂 


     Hopefully it also explains why my animals are so important to me, and when I say that Fizz was My Life      

…………… I truly Mean that …….. Fizz was My Life ………   


            The reason for me telling you this is simple it’s just to inform you, those of you who read my Blog’s, will  hopefully  understand  WHY  ?  I’m away for a few days or I don’t get straight back to you,  when any of you send messages or questions.

         It’s  NOT  because I’m Ignoring you or have given up on my Post’s,  it’s just that if I do too much.  Then I have to take a lil rest and recover,  as I can only continue without  repercussions for  ONLY  SO  LONG !!   I was worried that some of you may get fed up,  if  I don’t post quickly enough or I’m out of touch, So I felt it was only right to explain  WHY  ??

           If  I do too much then I also get to the point that My Family,  will actually refuse me any LAP TOP ACCESS !!!  As they can see when I have done too much,  and they don’t like to see me any worse than I normally am  🙂 

So to be fair they look out for me ……  When I don’t look out for Myself !! 

Fizzly and her ” Baby ” My Daughter Emma xoxox

My Fizzly took her role of watching out for her Family !!  As much as My Family have learn’t to Look out for ME !!!

          I would like you to realise that as I’m home virtually All the Time !!  My Animals are my Friend’s, So this is why I have such a strong connection with all of them. Because they are My Friends,  Companions, Confidants,  and one of My Main reason’s for getting up in the Morning.  My Animal’s,  Children and Hubbie Poor Dai  <3  🙂  ( He has to Put Up with Soooo Much !! ) 

          When I lost my Fizzly it has affected me more than anything else, she and I had this Connection, and ability to talk without noise. When she decided that she had,  had enough and wanted to Move Onward, with her Journey…..  She did it with a courage that I could only hope to gain,  and she did it with a Total Bond of Love, even in her Pain she acted like she was fine with My Children and Only Lay down next to me, when the children had left her sight ……..

          When Ben and Emma came back into the room,  she would sit up and act like nothing was wrong …. She Loved them so much that,  she neglected her own pain and worried about them …….  All the Picture’s  I have of Fizz apart from the one when she First Came home,  After her Operation …….. the Only  Other photo’s,  that I have of my Brave Girl after her Amputation and Cancer,  were all taken after she’d made the decision,  as she was just so tired  ….. 

         So all these photo’s were taken,  an hour or so before she took her Bravest Step, so these Picture’s have a mixed emotions when I look at them.  But I see the love she had for my children, and that she was ready and  willing to move onwards.  But one of  My  Biggest  Regret’s and  Something  that  I Wish,  I’d been Told and something I would tell,  Everyone who reads this Post,  Is  Please Take lots of Pictures, Film’s and whatever else you can. 

         Because they are your memories and its something,  that I will wish to my own last breath.  I wish that I’d taken some of my Brave Girls battle,  because she was Incredible,  and she brought me so much Joy  🙂  She was the Great  Love  of  My  Life  and more than that…..

  She was My Truest Best Friend and I Loved her Completely.

              My Animals, Hubbie and Children,  they are the only reason why I continue to fight,  and wake up,  Get  Up  and  Live and  Love  each  Day !! 

       They are My Reason for ……………  BEING !!! 

My Fizzly and her Bestest Mate, My Son Ben xoxox

Author: zena

I have lived with all sorts of dog's, but the Love of my Life was a Rottweiler named Fizz, She developed Cancer when she was 6 and she survived an amputation and 3 round's of chemo and lived for over a year. She showed me the true meaning of life, and her Courage and Zest for life, is my Inspiration to carry her Story onward's and live life like she did. Never looking back, loving everyone and trying to be as brave as she was from the first moment we brought her into our lives until the heart breaking moment she moved on,she passed the same way she lived each day, which was On her own Terms. When She Was Ready and she did it with an incredible bravery and spirit and in the way we should all try to aspire to, and she did it all with an incredible smile and an ever increasing spirit. xoxox

2 thoughts on “Why I Sometime’s Away for a Bit ?”

  1. I’m reading this at work and trying to hold back the tears (unsuccessfully). Fizzly looks so happy. When I saw the very last photo of Magnum,taken about 1 hour before she died it broke my heart….. because she looked so happy. She didn’t look like a dog ready to die. The same as Fizzly. I was told what a blessing it was. I didn’t get it at the time but I do now.

    That advice to take lots of photos and videos is one of the best pieces of advice, not just for those embarking on the cancer journey but for everyone. I did take lots of photos (but not as many videos) of Magnum’s courageous battle but when I look back at her life beforehand there are so many special places we went where there are no photos.

    You may not have the photos but you have the memories. Your love and bond with Fizzly shines through in everything you write. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

    Karen and Spirit Magnum

  2. Hi Karen
    Join the club 🙂 I was crying as I was writing it 🙂

    Thank you once again for your lovely message and I know I have precious memories and these give me so much joy 🙂

    I wonder if these beastie’s that we bring into our nutty world, realise the effect that they have on our lives

    These rottie’s seem to have this ability to get a owners total devotion and love so it’s quite apt that the Rottweilers main trait is Devotion to their Owners !!

    The fact that they were both smiling before they travelled onwards, I feel show’s this bond of love and total adoration to us as their Mummies and Families 🙂

    I think that we should both feel very proud that we had these incredible ladies, who up till their final moments, they wanted us to know their total love and ability to show us how truly amazing they were.

    This should be a comfort as we gained their love to such a point as to that, they would be more concerned with making us upset that they continued to smile and love till the end 🙂

    I don’t think anyone could hope to gain that much devotion from an animal in their entire lives,

    Lots of love
    zena and Fizzly and Your Magnum in Spirit xoxox

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