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Dealing with the new’s of Bone Cancer.

                 When I decided to start this Blog for Bone Cancer in Dog’s, I did it for many reason’s, I want to help people,as I have said in my first Post. I wanted to try to be that place that I was hunting for when I got the New’s that Fizz had Bone Cancer.

                   It’s more than that and to be honest it is a little selfishness on my part ……….as I also did it to try to get my head around the LOSS of my Best Friend. Even though it has been just over a year since Fizz passed, I still have not recovered and if I’m honest I don’t think I ever truly will. 

                 The idea that I would try to be a place where, when you are given the new’s that your Pet is very very ill. That people will have somewhere to come to and this is my main focus at this time. I want to start a big family here, so when people are feeling down they can come here and just write their feelings down and know that everyone here is there for you, and here for the very same reason. You can read up on thing’s that have worked for other’s, and what they would suggest you try and how to best help your Pet. Or maybe you will just want to try to make sense of what is rolling around inside your head and heart, and believe me I know how that feeling goes.

                I think that there is one thing that we all have in common ?? that’s LOVE and Love for our Pet’s as you would not be here without it !! It’s also something that I tell all my new Puppy Families which is the belief that we know our own Pet’s better than anyone !!! Better than the neighbour down the street and even better than your own vet !! It is this knowledge that make’s the decision making process your’s, so don’t be pressured into anything. 

               Always go with your Gut instincts, It is your gut instincts that brought your dog to your vet …….. didn’t they ?? You knew that your pet was ill before anyone and it’s this knowledge that is going to make you survive this. I know when I got the new’s everything that I thought about or knew about the   BIG  C  WORD  !!!   CANCER 

           Came flooding into my head and the first thing I wanted to do is stick my head under the covers and pretend it wasn’t happening. Then after denial come’s total panic and then heart break and eventually come’s OK let’s sort this ………….. ! 

            So the let’s sort this is where you must be now or else you would not be here !!  You would still be hiding under the covers and pretending it isn’t happening, so what now how do you deal. Well my way of dealing was trying to find everything about Dog’s with Bone Cancer and just got myself more confused ?? This is where I could have used a Sounding Board such as this, firstly you know your pet and you know how much they themselves can cope with. 

                     This is one of your deciding factor, do you think you could cope with a Dog with an Amputation ?? 

                     I will go into ways to help when your dog has an amputation in another page. Now my Fizz was a Rottweiler so I needed to be sure that her personality, would be suitable to deal the testing and treatment. This is where your own knowledge of your pet come’s into play ?? 

                       There is a lot to cope with and with Bone Cancer the main starting point is the Pain ?? Now removal of the leg will remove the PAIN part so that is a good place to start, You have to take into consideration of what breed your dog is, Which leg is affected as with Fizz if she had, had Cancer in one of her front leg’s then as a very heavy boned Rottie, she would not have been able to cope with a front leg removal as her weight was mainly in her chest ??

                       No matter how much you love your dog the pain part must always play a bigger deciding factor than your own personal feeling’s. This again is where the bond you have with your pet come’s into play ? your pet will let you know when they have had enough. Do not let the thought of how you yourself would cope with an amputation as animals do not have the Hang Up’s that we as human’s have !!     They do not worry about the emotional side, they don’t feel sorry for themselves they just deal with it and HOP on !!

                       I will explain through my Fizzly as to what I mean !!!   The night before Fizz was due to have her leg removed I was in complete emotional wreck !!! I sat in her bed with her next to me and I was just holding her, I started to cry with tear’s rolling down my face, Fizz got up and literally sat on my lap facing me all 10 stone of her !!! She went up to my face and started licking my tear’s away !! She then looked me straight into my eye’s and it was like a Slap in the Face !!! She looked at me eye to eye and it was a Look of            

       For God’s Sake Mother ??? Pull Yourself Together !!! 

                  That’s when I knew she needed me ………… simple as that !!  but she didn’t need a complete emotional wreck, she needed someone who would be there next to her to hold her up when she fell. But more than that I knew that together  NO MATTER WHAT  we would deal. Nothing would come between us not even Bone Cancer and together we would cope with all thing’s and we would do it really  WELL !!

                  So what I’m trying to explain is that between you and your pet you both will be able to deal with anything ……… and this is just another hill to climb and it will be hard but it’s something that will make the bond you have with your dog , move on to something even more amazing and in my mind  SPIRITUAL  and something that you can actually come through and believe me or not  SURVIVE  !!!

             I would never claim to be a Psychologist or an expert in any field ??   but I do know how it feels and I have lived through the decision’s that run along side of this terrible illness……….. Fizz had the Amputation and she had 3 Bout’s of Chemotherapy and even though she fought and stayed with us a lot longer than any Vet’s Prediction. Even though we did lose her in the end her Spirit and Zest for life never faltered and she passed when she decided she had, had enough and I don’t think anyone could give or ask more than that, from their Pet and their best friend.

And She never lost her SMILE !!

My Hope’s for this Blog

When the thought of this Blog came into my mind, it began on a  completely different tangent, as many thing’s in life they start out one way and end up being totally different. I wanted to write a story about a Rottweiler named Fizz, who in her short life she had to cope with a lot and after a battle with Bone Cancer she succumbed, her passing as my friends and family know almost destroyed me. Fizz never gave up or lost her spirit and I think her story should and needs to be told !

                            As I stated above this Blog was not my first idea, I wanted to write Fizz’s Life Story as she was an amazing dog in both personality and spirit. Even though she suffered so much pain she never once changed her attitude, no matter how many things she went through or whatever anyone did to her. But it was more than that, when Fizz was first diagnosed with the Bone Cancer, I did what most people do in these cases which is ” Completely fall apart !!” , after that I did the next thing that most people do, when they find themselves at such a low point in their lives. Which is to go on the internet and try to make sense of it and try to understand why and how this has happened.

                  So that’s what I did I started looking for everything and anything about Dogs and Bone Cancer. I was totally overwhelmed and found myself looking, on pages and sites and found that by the minute I had even more questions than I had answers . I found loads of Medical Information and scientific terms. Even though I have a medical background it still left me totally confused, and no nearer to anything remotely comforting or anything closer to help me cope with this destroying news and total panic.

                   I needed to find somewhere, anywhere that would be able to give me some answers, I just wanted to be able to talk to someone who had the same feelings about their dog as I had for My Fizzly and who had gone through this and survived !!

                  I just wanted to be able to ask questions to a real person with real feelings, and just be able to talk things over, with someone who had gone through this and how they coped, did they recommend something or what had worked out for them ???

               I really just needed a friendly ear with someone who had been through this, even if it was just to have a good cry or somewhere where I could just vent and rant if need be !!!  I just needed some place to go to where I could get information and a pleasant ear from someone normal who had normal feelings.

               Someone who had been through it and someone who would know, exactly what I was going through and would be able to help me by just being there.Someone who would understand the total numbness and the total helplessness, that everyone feels when they are given the awful news that their Pet/ Family member, and in my case My Best Friend has a Disease that may very well take their life.

                So this is where I have come to the reason behind this Blog, its not just a place where you can hear a story about one incredible dog, but I want this Blog to be a place where anyone can come and just have a natter about their Pet if it’s unwell or talk about anything Pets !!

            I hope that this site will be somewhere where anyone can come and talk over problems, or share experiences. I want this Blog to be that place that I myself could not find when I really needed it, and be that hopefully comforting place and I maybe able to help you deal or give you tip’s that I myself learn’t via trial and error.

           I want this Blog to be the place that you can come to when your going through hard times with any pet you may have, and be around a family of  like minded pet owners who will care, share and just be there for their pets and each other !!

           So if your pet is going through anything be it Cancer or anything else, I want you to know that even if its just a shoulder to cry on or just someone to scream at I’m here and I will try to help in anyway I can.

             I want people to confer or question anything and I want you all to send your Pet Stories as everyone has one !! and I will either post them on here if they are Cancer Related or on my other Blog which is a Blog for any stories or questions that any pet owner is welcome to visit and discuss anything remotely Animal.

 The link to that Blog is


I also have a Facebook Page which you can send in Causes or Pictures etc and run’s along side my other Blog the link to the Facebook Page is

                    I also want tips anything that has helped you and your dog or pet when you got the news that your pet had Cancer and how you coped with anything that your Pet went through ??

                I will then add them to this Blog on my Tips Section and maybe we will be able to help someone who is going through the most awful illness that is Cancer. I will also be here to talk if your pet succumbs like My Fizzly and I’m hoping that through helping all of you,that I myself will be able to come to terms and deal with her Loss and I will think that Fizz will play a big part in helping others and that in turn will help me.

           I hope that I can be that place or person who maybe able to offer you support and help in this most difficult of times, and maybe some of you who have gone through the same thing may be able to help other people as well.

            If you don’t want to put your question or story on this blog and would like some help privately then Please Contact me on my Email  and I will send out a reply.

              Please let me know if you have an ideas for the Blog or Or Suggest anything that you feel may be a good conversation piece or just something that you feel would be interesting to discuss.

               Thank you for reading my 1st Blog and I hope it was some help,

                                  Take Care and hope to talk to you all soon

                                                             love zena xxx


                                         Fizz and Mitzi !!

My Fizzly ~ A Rottweiler's Story is brought to you by Tripawds.